Wrong Bed, Right Roommate coming soon to audio!

Month: October 2015

Goodreads giveaway

Goodreads is running a giveaway from now through Nov. 13 for a print copy of How to Fall. All you have to do is follow the link and hit “Enter”: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/160359-how-to-fall.

Don’t forget to add How to Fall to your “want-to-read” list, too! How to Fall

Early reviews are saying “what a good read,” “steamy scenes and a fantastic ending,” “highly recommended,” “the book was amazing,” and: “A perfect read for those who love to travel.” 

How to Fall is on NetGalley – get your review copy now!

Hot sex, Brazil, lots of beach time, and a gorgeous Aussie — what’s not to love? You can pick up your review copy of How to Fall here: https://s2.netgalley.com/catalog/book/76007


As a bonus: send me a screen shot or a link to the review and I’ll send you a free epilogue to How to Fall! The only thing the review needs to be is honest. And don’t worry — you don’t need to read the epilogue to be oh so satisfied by the book. But you’re going to want to check in with Julia and Blake and see where they wind up two years out. :-)

Sign up for my newsletter, be the first to get a sneak peak of HOW TO FALL!

Big things are underway, and I want to share them with you! Sign up for my newsletter to find out about my upcoming releases (plural! November is going to be a big month!) AND get exclusive content just for newsletter subscribers. I’m currently pulling together a sneak peak of HOW TO FALL with an exclusive excerpt that won’t be available anywhere else, plus I’ll have info on how you can get your hands on an epilogue that won’t be published elsewhere. Don’t worry, you don’t need to read the epilogue to fully enjoy the book—I’m not going to leave you hanging! But if you want to find out where Julia and Blake wind up in their adventures, you’re not going to want to miss this. Oh, and did I mention it’ll be free? :-)

All of this is coming soon, so sign up here! I’m so excited to introduce you to Julia and Blake, and I can’t wait for you to fall in love with their story like I have. More soon!


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